Diyarbakır is rough. Lıfe in this city is hard for so many people. It is not advisable at all to walk alone during the night time, especially in the old quarter. My new college friend warned me not to hang around in dark areas; try not to look like the typical tourist, etc. She is studying at the major college to become a teacher and got in town to shop and walk around with friends. I ran into them at a bus company and she kindly translated my need for a ticket and later showed me around the new town. The new town is no different from other new towns in developing countries. But I enjoyed their warmness and friendship which were very comforting in a strange and tough city like this one.

One backpacker told me there are kids on the old city walls robbing tourists with knife, and wants me to find companies or tours. A boy near my hotel was very aggressive to me three times today. I was so annoyed and stared him back and some standing by adults also warned him at the last time. I will be very careful with him who may threat me with a knife tomorrow.
The weather was under cast when i arrived so everything looked gray. Hope the weather gets better tomorrow.
People in east turkey are more friendly than those in the west side, although they do not speak as much English. As mentioned, i run into some college students this afternoon and walked around the city (but not the walls) with them. They were concerned about my safety and sent me back very close to my hotel after the walk.
I will use the guide with another French gentleman tomorrow, and then take an overnight bus to Trabzon.
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